L’association Sport Santé Comminges offers physical maintenance and well-being activities that follow health recommendations. The activities are taught by Léa Narsessiau, an adapted physical activity instructor.
Activities on offer: registration required

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The Sport Santé Comminges association offers physical maintenance and wellbeing activities in line with health recommendations. The activities are taught by Léa Narsessiau, an adapted physical activity instructor.
Activities on offer: registration required
Gym Equilibre (Wednesdays from 9am to 10am, Foyer de la Mairie, Juzet de Luchon): a gentle activity aimed at senior citizens, strengthening muscles and stimulating balance control systems.
Nordic Walking (Mondays at 2pm, meeting points vary, contact the association): endurance and general muscle strengthening, for adults.
Gym Ball (Tuesdays from 5pm to 6pm, Salles des Sports (Dojo), Bagnères de Luchon): rhythmic movements to strengthen muscles and abdominal muscles, for adults.
Stretching (Thursdays from 12.15pm to 1.15pm, Foyer de la Mairie, Juzet de Luchon): gentle activity, stretching and joint mobilisation, for adults.
Cardio-training (Mondays from 8.15am to 7.15pm, Foyer de la Mairie, Juzet de Luchon) intense activity for all ages, muscle strengthening and endurance to music.
Sessions can be arranged on request for groups.

Address SPORT SANTE 11 Rue de la Croix de Matech JUZET-DE-LUCHON

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